Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Bloggers really seem to have fun with Wednesdays. So many link-ups and photo challenges occur here, in the smack-dab middle of the week, on the day with the weird name. I always have to mentally sound it out when I spell it, because nobody (that I know of) really says Wed-nes-day. It’s more like Wendsday. Kinda like February is usually said Febuary. Right?

Anyway. I decided to join in on some of the fun, if for no other reason than to give myself a blog topic. :)

First off: Lovely Photo Wednesday at Aspire.
I thought this sheet music looked cool… it’s a Keith Green song that my brothers and sister like to play. :)

Next, the weekly Little Somethings photo challenge. This week’s theme is “little.”

And finally— “what I’m loving” Wednesday at I think this is kind of cool because it puts me in a positive mindset, thinking about things that I am happy about instead of things to stress about.

I’m loving that I have finished my 4 hideous British Literature 205 finals! I even kept my grade a shade over 100% in the class. Now I’m free!!!
I’m loving that I can now run 3.1 miles.

I’m loving the awesomeness of seeing my brother’s mechanical engineering graduation this weekend AND spending a few days at my best friend’s house!!!!
AmandaCam Tres 190
I’m loving the view from our living room window. I think I fall in love with it over again every time I see it:
What about you??
Primavera 138


  1. Wow! Beautiful pictures! The last one I think is my favorite! It is SO bright and says summer so much!!! Well done!

  2. These are awesome! Love that water droplet!

    Tamar - also linking up with little somethings



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