Sunday, February 8, 2015

goals, updated


Olympia9 Olympia14Olympia12Olympia10 Olympia11Olympia13Olympia15Olympia16Olympia17 Olympia18 Olympia19 Olympia20 Olympia21 Olympia22 I spent a very rainy Saturday morning this weekend with Sam and some of his academy classmates as they practiced ladder and hydrant training. It was pretty cool. :)

I wrote out some goals while ago for how I wanted to wrap up 2014, and updated them in October. Now that 2015 has come around, I figure it’s time for a little revision and reworking of what I want to accomplish in the coming months. I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, but I am a little bit crazy about goals and lists, so without further ado here’s a look at what I’m hoping the rest of 2015 will look like for me:

  • Finish the semifinal draft of my current writing project. (By semifinal I guess I mean a draft that still requires, at most, line editing, instead of the whole chunks of revision I’m doing currently.) Thus far it has been such an exciting but utterly overwhelming process… one moment I can’t be pulled away from it and the next I want to throw it all out the window. But mood swings seem to typify writers, from what I’ve heard.
  • Create a monthly marketing/events calendar for my business and book a dozen new photography clients from my target market before the year is out. The number seems small but the process seems insurmountable at the same time. I’ve never been good at selling myself… but no excuses!
  • Compile a solid foundation of whole food/clean eating dinner recipes. It has occurred to me that I hold full control of the way Sam and I eat, because I’m the one who shops and I’m the one who cooks. I should be stewarding that responsibility well. I don’t necessarily want to go “crazy” with it—all things in moderation—but an increase in healthy meats and vegetables and nuts and grains is not so hard, and I think it would do us good.
  • Invest more into my relationships with my husband, family, church family, and friends. There are several letters in my nightstand that sit unanswered because I haven’t prioritized them… several people I should be calling or visiting more often… several apologies and “I love you’s” I still haven’t said. The people I have been given are priceless and I need to do a better job of treating them that way.

What’s a goal that you want to prioritize this year?

1 comment:

  1. I want to . . .
    - Get my book to the point of being ready to be pitched for the publishing market next year
    - Continue improving my blog as a stepping stone to my image consulting business
    - Try to better my relationship with food
    - Stop being so discontented about school
    - Get on a good Bible study plan/regimen and start getting more involved with church functions

    I love all the pictures of the fire training too :-)

    dance a real



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