Sunday, November 3, 2013

grace, weekly // 2

i. the wistful silence of October’s colorful end, and the close of another visit to my Pennsylvania home.
ii. a peanut butter fudge milkshake (yes, of course it’s from Ritchey’s).
iii. this beautiful family letting me take some pictures of them.
iv. this man and only 111 more days.
v. when the airplanes wait on wet tarmac while the sky cries silver tears, as if it can feel the hurt in my heart when I say goodbye.
vi. a vase of petunias on the sunlit November sill.
vii. music.
There is a certain place deep in my heart that this song pricks with melancholy. Not because of my own regrets, but because it hurts a little bit to know that most of the world is wondering what happened to the “good ol’ days” and wondering why we only let them seem good when they’re so long gone. Someday, today will be the good ol’ days. I can see it: the bloom of youth beginning to pass, the passions of a carefree heart giving way to the die-for-you love of motherhood, and looking back to wonder where the years went. But why look back and wonder why I didn’t love my life and the blessings in it as much as I should have “back then,” when I can choose to change my view of life in the now? Harder, yes, this contentment and joy—but invaluable.
viii. words. 
I watch the hands move grace on the clock face. I’m growing older. These children growing up. But time is not running out. This day is not a sieve, losing time. With each passing minute, each passing year, there’s this deepening awareness that I am filling, gaining time. We stand on the brink of eternity.
- Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
ix. Bible.
Grace upon grace—blessing upon blessing. It gushes into our lives from the blood of His wounds and the pulse of His resurrection. It is His death for us and His life with us. I can’t not be thankful.
Home2 copy
Hallie Jo Photography

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