Saturday, June 25, 2011


I don’t know about you… but this poem convicted me. I’m an ambitious person by nature, which is fine in and of itself. But when “ambition” for bigger things becomes a mask for discontentment, it’s no longer a good quality; it’s a disobedience to God. How many times have I disdained serving my family and community, yet aspired toward doing big projects in far-off places?

The painful truth is that if I am not content here and now, I will not be content there and then.

I hope someday that these verses will apply to me as well as they applied to Paul.


  1. I really appreciate the reminder. Contentment is something I personally struggle to remain. Thank you for this timely word.

  2. Lovely photos and a nice layout to display the poem--by a 14-year-old boy! Such wisdom. True happiness does come from living fully right where we are! Thanks for making this point!

  3. I like your globe, and how you chose the image to fit with that Scripture. Contentment is such a hard thing for us Americans, self-centered and thinking our wants are actually needs. I appreciate your thoughts today!


  4. wow! You are an answer to prayer.. I am a very much content where I am at person.. My daughter is really struggling with this, and she is only 9. You hit it on the head for us today..I will be sharing yoru psot and "But when “ambition” for bigger things becomes a mask for discontentment, it’s no longer a good quality; it’s a disobedience to God"

    Now pray that I can put that in a 9 year olds reference!

    Thank you!

  5. This is GREAT! Be content with what we have. It's such a simple idea, but why can it be so hard to actually do?!

  6. Great image for this verse. Contentment in whatever state -- what I seek always but more rarely find.



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