Friday, April 22, 2011

he is risen

Spring is here.


It’s taken its time about it, that’s for sure, but now that it’s here—how can I complain? The fields aren’t dead and brown anymore, the trees are misted with green, the flowers are turning their faces up to the sunshine. They’re rising from the deadness of winter just in time to commemorate the greatest Resurrection of all time!


Imagine what it would have been like to be God’s people before Jesus, the Messiah, came to be the Savior of humanity. Waiting… always waiting, generation after generation, for thousands of years. Waiting for a springtime—a Resurrection—that may come at any time, whether the following year or a couple of thousand years in the future. They only knew that it would come, and thank God, it did.


Quoting something my pastor often says… Aren’t you glad we live on this side of the Cross?


I sure am. But while we no longer anticipate the coming of the Messiah for the purpose of His death and resurrection, we do have another monumental Coming to look forward to—the coming of Jesus to resurrect the whole body of believers and take us to be with Him in Heaven!! Now that is a springtime I’m really looking forward to. :)

He is risen… He is risen, indeed!
Jesus said to her,
“I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in Me,
though he may die, he shall live.”
John 11:25

Happy Easter!!!


  1. Those are some beautiful flowers! And yes, I am extremely glad to be living on this side of the cross. :)

  2. He is risen indeed!
    My! What beautiful pictures showing God's creation!



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